Tanner’s Cassia is a shrub that grows up to 1-1.5 meters in height. The flower of this plant is bisexual and bright yellow in color. It has smooth reddish-brown bark and legume fruit. The root, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits of this plant are used in Siddha and Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of various diseases.
Health Benefits:
- Tanner’s cassia has antimicrobial properties that help to treat urinary disorders.
- It helps to effectively prevent constipation from elders to kids.
- The unique properties of the tanner’s cassia flower help the body to fight off free radicals.
- The laxative property in the flower can help to relieve constipation and regulate bowel movements.
- This powder treats uneven skin tone, blackheads, and blemishes.
- It helps to reduce the risk of various bacterial infections like fever, tuberculosis, and dengue.
- Tanners cassia have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which promote hair growth and protect hair from various infections.
- It increases insulin levels in the body and improves complexion.
- It is also used to treat various skin ailments.
- Tanners cassia flowers help to regulate the menstrual cycle and keep the body in balance.
How to consume:
Take 25 g of tanner cassia flower and mix in 100 ml of milk. Bring to a boil for 20 minutes and strain through a sieve. Drink hot.
- Take a bowl and add 2 tsp of tanner’s cassia flower powder, 1 tsp of Bengal gram flour, 1 tsp of green gram flour, and a few drops of water or rose water. Mix the ingredients well and apply the paste to your face. Wait for it to dry. Then, rinse off using lukewarm water.
- Tanners cassia flower powder is very fragrant and very mild on the skin, so it can also be used for young children.
Side Effects:
There are no side effects in using this product.
Harvesting Method:
Our herbs are 100% naturally harvested and dried without the chemical interactions that assure natural herb products.
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