Unlike other types of tubers, the Redfruit Creeper tuber tastes bitter. These herbaceous plants that grow spontaneously in forests and mountains are widely known for their bitter tuber. These tubers that grow underground have a unique aroma. Often the snakes do not come to the places where these plants are because the odor emanating from them inhibits the effectiveness of the snakes. Not only snakes but also some other poisonous insects do not come close to it due to the smell of this tuber. But, it is not harmful to humans in any way. This tuber has many medicinal properties.
Health Benefits
1. It helps to control high body temperature and keep body temperature constant.
2. It is used to treat various skin allergies like tumors, itching, redness of the skin.
3. This herb with wound healing properties is a good remedy for joint pain.
4. It is a very effective herb to treat all types of insect bites.
5. It is used to treat obesity by dissolving the bad fat that has accumulated in the body.
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