Guava is a tropical shrub that grows up to 8–10 m high. It can be a large shrub or a small tree, with a lifespan of 30-40 years. Guava produces white flowers and fruits. Their fruits are oval in shape with light green or yellow skin and contain edible seeds. It is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
Nutritional value of Guava:
- 376.7 mg of Vitamin C,
- 8587 µg of Lycopene,
- 0.38 mg of Copper,
- 8.9 g of Total Dietary Fiber,
- 81 µg of Vitamin B9
- 23.63 g of Carbohydrate
- 0.036 g of Tryptophan,
- 0.158 g of Threonine,
- 0.153 g of Isoleucine,
- 0.282 g of Leucine,
- 0.119 g of Lysine,
- 0.026 g of Methionine and
- 0.01 g of Phenylalanine.
Health Benefits:
- Guava leaf contains a flavonoid called Quercetin which can inhibit fat cell formation.
- It prevents spikes in blood sugar and improves symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
- Guava leaves are the best remedy to treat diarrhea.
- It can keep your brain healthy.
- Guava leaf can reduce the risk of cancer.
- It helps to heal colds and dengue fever.
- Guava leaves are the best home remedy for toothaches.
- It can reduce the side effects of allergies.
- The strong antioxidant effect of guava leaves protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals.
- It helps to cure acne and blackheads.
- Consumption of guava leaf powder helps to get relief from menstrual cramps.
- The antioxidants in guava leaf help with sound sleep.
Mix 3 to 5 gms of guava leaves powder in a cup of water, boil it for a few minutes. When the water gets heated, filter the content and drink it twice a day before having food.
- Prepare a decoction with guava leaves powder, apply it to your skin or scalp to improve skin tone, and prevent hair loss.
- Make a paste with guava powder and apply it to the teeth to treat toothache.
Side Effects:
There are no side effects in using this product.
Harvesting & Manufacturing Method:
Our herbs are 100% naturally harvested, dried, and pulverized without chemical interactions.
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